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Saturday, October 1, 2011

in progress...Pleated Apron

Figured I would share a touch of what I am working on now. This is the finished honeycomb pleating for a 15th century German Apron for a soon to be friend. :) This is actually a gift for someone I have yet to meet, and praying she likes it. Will drop photos when I get it all hemmed up and settled. Should have only an hour or so more of work on it. Probably could have gotten it done already, but decided that baking bread would be a welcome diversion for the day! Yum!

And here is the finished project - unfortunately it is hard to see the pleats on this shot - just shipped out to its' new owner. :)

(5) Gold hood for Duncan

This was a last minute project that needed a creator, and I was chosen. I admit I did not spend hours of research or anything on it, but it is a piece of garb, and yep - I made it! Was done a day or so before he headed off to Pennsic War. Turned out great and looks good! Will see if I can get additional photos of this one.  (it never did stay clean for long...such is the life of a fighter hood!)

(2,3&4) 15th Century Italian Renaissance Dress w/ Gold Silk Under Skirt & Linen Under Dress

Here is another that I had put together a few months back, will have to see if I can hunt down a photo of me in it - but rather unlikely. Looks great on (or did before I lost the weight), have already had to alter it once though, and thinking I may rather sell it off than take it in again - such a chore!

Also, I have yet to get a shot of the under dress, under skirt or sleeves. So that will be coming shortly as well. Have I mentioned I really dislike being in photos?! Will have to find someone else to put it on. :)

This side-laced dress is done in a dark purple, cotton velvet with an embossed pattern (close up). All hand-sewn in coordinating thread. The entire dress is lined in muslin (yep - a heavy one!).  

The under skirt was created in a stunning gold silk duponi that I had picked up on sale some time back. I chose to do the knife pleating, as cartridge would have collapsed without support. Basic underskirt - photo to come. Beautiful when it just peeks out for a flash of surprise color. But too- couldn't have a Calontir dress without adding a little gold... LOL

The underdress was created out of a beautiful mid-weight linen, hand finished with linen thread, and topped with a bit of machine-made bobbin lace (really will work on getting a photo in the next couple of days!) Though the lace pattern is not quite period for this piece, it gives it that little boost to make it look that much better. I will be working on getting lace made for it (or another one) soon. Long list of projects at this time.

(1)13th Century Grey Wool Cotehardie

Just finished up my daughters' grey wool cotehardie. Figure I will work on numbering, so I won't get lost in the 50 pieces of garb challenge. Though will be posting some here shortly that will have been created throughout the past year, so some may go a bit quick - yes I am good, but not quite that good!

Very happy with the fit of her dress, all hand-stitched with white linen thread, pewter buttons (store bought), Still need to finish up tippets for it though. Perhaps with a bit of the leftover linen from the pleated apron that is just about finished up.